Our Vision
To live life that is full of Jesus the best we can. We want everyone to see Jesus in practical every day life as represented by His disciples who attend this church. Our desire is that we touch everyone who comes in our doors and those in our various communities in a positive manner. Our hopes are that we can worship the Lord in unity with everyone who accepts Him into their lives. Our love and Christian witness are examples of our motto “where everybody is somebody.”
- Make disciples of all nations by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)
- Worship God together (Heb 10:23-25)
- Equip and train every member for Christ’s ministry (Eph 4:11-16)
- Serve one another in love, both in the church and in the world (Gal 5:13)
- Edify one another through fellowship, prayer and mutual concern (Acts 2:42, 46-47)
Our Mission
- To worship Jesus Christ
- To minister to the lost and to our community
- To teach and exhort on God’s Holy Word
- To put on and teach others to wear the armor of God
- To be examples of the love by which Jesus lived